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Billy Joseph Mayerl Jazz Piano Collection/比利·梅耶尔 钢琴曲集【PDF】

发表于 2013-9-20 19:29:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 齐少凡 于 2013-9-20 14:55 编辑

Billy Joseph Mayerl (May 31, 1902 – March 25, 1959) was an English pianist and composer who built a career in music hall and musical theatre and became an acknowledged master of light music. Best known for his syncopated novelty piano solos, he wrote over 300 piano pieces, many of which were named after flowers and trees, including his best known composition, Marigold (1927). He also ran the successful School of Syncopation for whose members he published hundreds of his own arrangements of popular songs.
He also composed works for piano and orchestra, often in suites with evocative names such as the 'Aquarium Suite' (1937), comprising "Willow Moss", "Moorish Idol", "Fantail", and "Whirligig".

n 1926, he left the Savoy and opened his 'School of Syncopation' which specialised in teaching modern music techniques such as ragtime and stride piano. This in turn, led to the long running correspondence course on 'How to play like Billy Mayerl'. It was during this period that he wrote his most famous solo 'Marigold'. By the late 30's his correspondence school is said to have over 100 staff and 30,000 students. It finally closed in 1957.On October 28, 1925, Mayerl was the soloist in the London premiere of George Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue. In December 1926, he appeared with Gwen Farrar (1899–1944) in a short film – made in the Lee DeForest Phonofilm sound-on-film process – in which they sang Mayerl's song "I've Got a Sweetie on the Radio". His song "Miss Up-to-Date" was sung and played by Cyril Ritchard in Alfred Hitchcock's sound film Blackmail (1929).On Tuesday, 1 October 1929, Billy Mayerl's orchestra performed at the opening of The Locarno Dance Hall in Streatham.In the 1930s Mayerl composed several works for the musical theatre including three connected with horse racing, Sporting Love, opening at the Gaiety Theatre, London in 1934, Twenty to One (Coliseum 1935), and Over She Goes (Saville 1936). In 1938, famed jazz pianist Marian McPartland joined his group "Mayerl's Claviers" under the name Marian Page.Mayerl died in 1959 from a heart attack at his home, Marigold Lodge, after a long illness.
Mayerl - Honky-Tonk酒吧(节奏的荒谬)
Mayerl Sweet Willia 可爱的威廉
Mayerl - Chop Sticks 筷子
Mayerl - Loose Elbows 松动的弯头
Mayerl - Canary’s Serenade加纳利的小夜曲 暂时无试听
Billy MAYERL - Four Aces Suite 四张纸牌A组曲
Mayerl - Carminetta卡米拉达


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-20 19:41:22 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 齐少凡 于 2013-9-20 14:59 编辑

Jazzaristrix 爵士

Mayerl - All-Of-A-Twist 完全扭曲 暂时无试听

filigree花丝 暂时无试听
Mayerl - Fascinating Ditty 魅力小曲 暂时无试听

Eskimo Shivers 爱斯基摩人在颤抖 暂时无试听
Nippy selection 寒冷剌骨(集锦曲)暂时无试听
Parade of the Sandwich-Board Men 带广告牌的广告员游 暂时无试听
Mayerl - Pastorale Exotiqu 异国田园 暂时无试听
Mayerl - The Errant Errand Boy 聚散两听差 暂时无试听
Mayerl - The Forgotten Forest 被遗忘的森林暂时无试听
Mayerl - Jack in the Box 杰克在箱里暂时无试听
Mayerl - Jill All Alone 吉尔一个人


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-20 19:43:55 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 齐少凡 于 2013-9-20 15:01 编辑

Bats In The Belfry 钟楼内的蝙蝠
Mayerl_Aquarium Suite水族馆组曲
Three Miniatures in Syncopation for the Piano. Op. 76 三首切分音小曲

Mayerl - A Lily Pond 百合花池
Mayerl - Legends of King Arthur n1 Prelude 亚瑟王传奇 第一号前奏曲 暂时无试听
Mayerl - From A Spanish Lattice西班格子 暂时无试听
Mayerl - Fireside Fusiliers 炉边近卫暂时无试听
Mayerl - Crazy Day 疯狂的日子 暂时无试听


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-21 04:07:14 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 齐少凡 于 2013-9-20 15:17 编辑

Mayerl - April’s Fool 愚人节
Mayerl - At the Balalaika 三角琴 暂时无试听
Mayerl - Antiquary 古董商 暂时无试听
Mayerl - Autumn Crocus 秋天藏红花
Mayerl - Balearic Episode 巴利阿里插曲 暂时无试听
Mayerl - Beguine Impromptu 比津舞即兴 暂时无试听
Mayerl - Blue Shadows 蓝影子 暂时无试听
Mayerl - Close Your Eyes 闭上眼睛 暂时无试听


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-21 04:18:30 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 齐少凡 于 2013-9-20 17:21 编辑

Mayerl - Crystal Clear 透明 暂时无试听
Mayerl - Evening Primrose 月见草
Mayerl - Funny Peculiarr 奇特  暂时无试听
Mayerl - Green Tulips 绿色郁金香  暂时无试听
Mayerl - Head Over Heels 头上的高跟鞋 暂时无试听
Mayerl - Hollyhock  蜀葵
Mayerl - Honeysuckle 金银花  暂时无试听
Mayerl - I Know Something That You Know 咱俩的秘密 暂时无试听


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-21 04:32:42 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 齐少凡 于 2013-9-20 15:45 编辑

Mayerl - I Need You 我需要你 暂时无试听
Mayerl - Insect Oddities n1 - Wedding of an Ant 怪异的昆虫 蚂蚁婚礼 暂时无试听
Mayerl - Insect Oddities n2 - Ladybird Lullaby 瓢虫摇篮曲 暂时无试听
Mayerl - Insect Oddities n3 - Praying Mantis 螳螂 暂时无试听
Mayerl - Insect Oddities n4 - Beetle in the Bottle 瓶子里的甲壳虫 暂时无试听
Mayerl - London Revue 伦敦歌剧  暂时无试
Mayerl - Minuet By Candlelight 烛光小步舞曲  暂时无试
Mayerl - Musical Moments - Six Miniatures 音乐时刻 - 六幅微型画  暂时无试
Mayerl - Orange Blossom 橙子花开


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-23 07:12:42 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 齐少凡 于 2013-9-22 18:30 编辑

Mayerl - My Heaven in the Pines 我的松树天堂 暂时无试听
Mayerl - Nimble Fingered Gentleman 灵活的指法绅士
Mayerl - Oriental 东方 暂时无试听
Mayerl - The Jazz Mistressl 爵士情妇 暂时无试听
Mayerl - Three Japanese Pictures n1 - Almond Blossom日本三幅画 第一首杏花 暂时无试听
Mayerl - Three Japanese Pictures n2 - A Temple in Kyoto日本三幅画 第二首京都寺 暂时无试听
Mayerl - Three Japanese Pictures n3 - The Cherry Dance日本三幅画 第三首樱花舞 暂时无试听
Mayerl B - Mistletoe 米斯尔托 暂时无试听
Mayerl B - Robots Op 81 罗伯茨 暂时无试听
Mayerl B - Three Contrasts Op 24 三首对比 暂时无试听
Mayerl B - Three Dances in Syncopation Op 73 三首切分舞 暂时无试听
Mayerl B - Weeping Willow 垂柳 暂时无试听
Mayerl Summertime 盛夏时光 暂时无试听
Mayerl The Harp Of The Winds 风之竖琴
Mayerl The Pompous Gremlin 高傲的小鬼 暂时无试听
Mayerl There’s A Star In The Sky 一颗明星 暂时无试听


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